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Entekra was a design, engineering and manufacturing company that provided a Fully Integrated Off-Site Solution® – FIOSS® – for both residential and commercial construction. A unique construction approach in the U.S. market, FIOSS by Entekra leveraged the integration and application of software, engineering, technology and modern methods of construction (MMC). By consolidating a multitude of tasks that are normally parceled among architects, engineers, building materials suppliers and contractors, Entekra offered a more profitable alternative to the inefficient and often problematic on-site stick-framing construction methods currently used for more than 90 percent of new-home construction in the US market.

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Renè Strack
Business Development Manager
Hallo, ich bin Renè Strack. Ich helfe Ihnen und berate Sie gerne bei allen Fragen rund um hsbcad!
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